Nibbles in Sherwood

Nibbles is a great name for a food takeaway place, in this case though it would be more accurate to call it Scoffing as the portion sizes served up at this spot in Sherwood are far away from a nibble 🙂

Nibbles in Sherwood is a no frills food takeway serving up decent honest grub to the good people on the high street. I love places like this where you can get all your classic sarnies, cobs, and wraps and then also hot food served up from big trays on the counter.


I always reckon that you can work out whether a place like this is any good or not by the way that they make their Pork Cobs. I did really like what we found when we first visited as the cobs were huge, filled with juicy sliced pork, stuffing, and a bit of cracking or apple sauce if you wanted.

It’s hard to tell from the photograph just how big the bread cob was, but trust me it was a two hander to hold it as you ate it.


The Pork cobs are packed out meat, I swear there were at least four layers in there. It was a veritable meat feast to be sure! Lovely stuff 🙂


We came back on another lunch time to check out their hot meals that we had seen in the trays on the counter on earlier visits. I had been hoping for something like a cottage pie or a lasagne but by the time we got there it was slim pickings so we just lucked out.

It was kind of still a win though as I got a portion of their sticky sweet and sour chicken on some noodles. The stir fried noodles I think was actually a dish in itself kind of a bit like a chow mein and was full of chicken. I ended up with a massive amount of food though, way more that the lunchtime snack I had planned for. Best of all the meal only cost me £4!


The other dish that we ate that lunchtime was a portion of their cheesy pasta bake. It was all a bit no frill yet still hit the spot. We liked that you got some of the crispy bits from the pan as well, they are often the best bits! There was a lot of melty cheese and bits of bacon mixed into the bake. A bit like a really non fancy mac n cheese, but most certainly another winning belly filler!

All in all I really don’t think you can go far wrong at Nibbles. It seemed very popular, has very reasonable prices and the ladies behind the counter were all very jolly as well.

Nibbles is located at 622 Mansfield Road in Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 2GA

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